Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 106

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 12
issue Number : 106

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 12، ، issue Number 106

Commands and prohibitions and their reflection in Moulavi's Masnavi (from a cultural, religious and ontological point of view)

Siros Rahmanzadeh , Fouzie Parsa (Author in Charge), Hojatul Gh Moniri


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The present thesis is based on "ordering good and forbidding evil from cultural, religious and ontological perspectives, so that we can examine good and evil from different angles and be guided by the comprehensiveness of Rumi"s view in this field."

METHODOLOGY: The research method in this study is analytical-descriptive based on library sources.

FINDINGS: The findings show that: the famous and the bad in Mawlawi"s Masnavi can be examined from three angles: cultural, ethical-shari"a and ontological; Commands and prohibitions form cultural issues such as avoiding lies and untruths and encouraging truth and sincerity. Commands and prohibitions in the scope of belief: It includes issues such as avoiding sin and encouraging chastity, and finally, commands and prohibitions in the scope of ontology include issues such as paying attention to theology, anthropology, and avoiding negligence and ignorance.

CONCLUSION: What was obtained from the search is that the command to good and the prohibition of evil in Moulavi"s words are not only summarized in "Sharie" but also include a wide range of educational and epistemological topics such as: Sharia, moral and ontological matters. Therefore, the analysis of "musts" and "must nots" in the Masnavi, if seen in a general and so-called constructive view, can better show Moulana"s view of happiness and misery and show the way from the well to the reader. Among the commands and prohibitions that were in the domain of Shariat, we can mention the command to worship and the prohibition to abandon worship or sin. In the field of ethics, there is an order for sincerity and prohibition of lying or pretense, and finally, in the ontological field, the order of monotheism and the prohibition of polytheism or the order of self-knowledge and the prohibition of negligence and ignorance towards self-knowledge can be mentioned. Once, when we consider the commands and prohibitions of Rumi from various aspects - and in a general and so-called constructive view - the happiness and good fortune of man will be provided and in this way man will reach his destination.

Enjoining (for the good) , forbidding (for the bad) , Moral affairs , Islamic affairs , ontology , Maolana's Masnavi.

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